Monday, Oct. 08, 2012 - 7:34 p.m.

MUSIC:~WHITE RABBIT~Emiliana Torrini

Today was tough. People in work are such big-ass babies, i can't stand it!!they hate each other cause they all went to pharmacy school together. and i'm trying to stay neutral and make non-committal grunts when they ask me something about another person. Fuck this lame-ass office politics. little kids is what they are.

i went to the gym today and got a personal trainer and he made me work on my legs today. they wanted to fall off!! i thought my legs were fit! but not as fit as i thought!

i saw one of Ray's friend's in the gym, Chris whom i know since a very long time. we went to school together for a time as well. i didn't mention that Ray and I were an item now but it's clear that he knows, cause he kept saying things like "well tell me what you guys are doing friday" OR "it's up to you guys..."

hmmmm.....sooner or later everyone will know, but i'm not helping them along though. this is our business. whoever comes across the knowledge of our being together well....whatever.

i also saw some guys who were in Zen last week and the youngling who was sick over my cousin was there as well....though he very carefully kept his back to me the whole time i was talking to Aidan, one of the guys.

Anyway i'm beat and there's chocolate cake to resist in the fridge.....omelette for dinner i guess and a protein shake.......:/

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