Saturday, Oct. 09, 2010 - 10:45 a.m.
The BITCH game

Music: ~Take it off~ Ke$ha

i think this relationship is turning into sex. pure nasty unadulterated sex.

when i say i love him, my words sound hollow and untrue even to myself. and yet i call him and tell him i miss him and love him. why why why?!!

am i just going through the motions of love?

i wonder if even he is beginning to feel it. the un-love i mean.

i'm beginning to resent him. All the little quirks he has that i loved, i'm so fucking annoyed with them now.

h likes to be playful and poke here and there and lick and tug my hair sometimes........but i find i majorly annoying!!
the other day i was trying to take a nap and the fucker was whining and behaving like a toddler and saying he feels to hot and he can't sleep!

so what the fuck does that have to do with me?!! i wanted to say, but if i behaved like a bitch, we'd just have ended up fighting.AGAIN.

you know maybe that isn't such a bad idea.

i dunno what's wrong with me. probably i'm bored with him because i've seen all he has to offer and it's not much. he's not particularly smart or funny or refined. he's cute and good in bed. but that's about it.

i really am just feeling to tell him that it's over.
he took some cutesy pictures of us last night and wants me to put them up on fb.
i really don't want to do that.

i want to not be with him but still have sex with him.
it's a game i'm playing in my head.
and it's not going to end well......

sigh......i'm such a bitch.
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