Friday, Apr. 16, 2010 - 12:26 a.m.
Rick --KICK in the ASS

So Rick totally behaved like an A-hole to Jherrel.
excuse me if we're broke and have no transport to take you to a fantastic , slamming b-day party.

he is soooo damn ignorant and selfish.

What Rick needs is a psychiatrist, a financial counsellor and a life coach.....because truly his life strategies are not working for him.

I know he's trying to change but appreciation for what you have and the sentiments that are expressed to you would be a tad nicer than bitching about what you don't have.

It's clearly not important to him to spend the day with his friends. it's verrry important that he gets his own selfish, childish, irresponsible way and fuck his life up in the process.

oh yea...and he definitely should invite the woman who made his life a living, breathing hell on earth for the last couple years.....cause apparently pain in large enough doses is what constitutes love.

I always told J. that he does not know Rick like I know him. For petesakes, i dated the bastard for a while and then slept with him for a while longer (not because i was madly in love with him, i now realize, but because i was afraid to cut the umbilical cord of our very fucked up desire/hate dynamic)

J didn't know the extent of his stank ass attitude until tonight. Which makes me wonder how he could've overlooked Rick's flaws for as long as he did.

i asked him why was Rick his best friend.......he said that he pushes him to grow...........well i almost shit my pants!!

i told him the only way Rick pushes you to grow is by testing the limits of your kindness and compassion. Kindness and compassion are supposed to be said the Big Guy........but i think there is a time when kindness and compassion just becomes a platform for people to walk all over you.

you can be kind and compassionate without being a pushover.

Rick doesn't need kindness and compassion, what Rick needs is a good, solid kick in the ass!!

PS: I think i really have OCD...I edited this entry 5 times just to get rid of grammatical and spelling errors......i couldn't leave D-land till i did that!!

PS2: R called me tonight and asked me to go on a hike to a waterfall tmwr....i told him I'd see....only because i wasn't sure what J was doing for Rick's stupid-ass b-day!!!

SHIT!! AND I TOTALLY FORGOT.....S a friend of mine who graduated from med-school last Dr.S......asked me on FB today if i wanted to see Clash of the Titans tmwr as well!!


hmmmmm...dunno what to do!!

On one hand i love to spend time with R...though the starstruck-edness has worn off. it still'll be cool hanging with him.

i don't really like hanging out with Dr.S because he's a socially akward creature who for some reason always tries to make a move on me!! *gack* !!


i really wanna see R, and i really wanna see Clash of the Titans...


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