Tuesday, May. 19, 2009 -
What the mother$#$%# PART 2

So the first thing I saw this morning when I went onto FB is a picture of Ryan kissing his retarded baby waby Cyann!!! His status was � I love Sian �

I was mortified and so saying snatched up my phone immediately and rang J. and blurted out that he had to go on Ryan�s profile as soon as possible. That Ryan is sucking tongue with that heifer!!!!
I reacted badly to say the least!!
I put as my status �Nicole S. � has to be hallucinating (J. read Ephesians 5 like NOW!!)

Ephesians 5 is about fornication and whoremongers.
And you know within the same hour that I put that Ryan changed his disgusting profile pic back to picture of him alone and put as his status,

� Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith�

- Proverbs 15:17

I got blue mad when I saw that. How dare he quote Scripture for his misguided purpose. I felt like a crazy spell was coming on!! My fingers were itching to type something scathing. Something to fleck him up good on FB!!!
But some semblance of sanity kicked in and I typed the rant on my phone instead. I said,

� Oh please!! Don�t quote Scripture to me, you hypocrite!!!�

I swear I so badly wanted to post that comment right under his status��

(sigh) but I didn�t. I never was a vindictive, vengeful person.
But who he think he is spouting Scripture at me, when he doing so much nastiness!!!

I was also feeling to just throw out a random comment onto his profile, unprovoked of course but still totally self-gratifying. I so wanted to say,

� The girl is 16 years old!!! You dumb paedophilic fuck!!�

But again I refrained and typed it on my phone instead.

But wait you say��..what was that again�..backtrack!!!

Eh heh!! Yes you heard it here first folks��..Ryan Ali big hard-back man (severely stunted in maturity!) and soon to be 21 is going around with a child who is a mere 16 rotations of the Earth around the sun!!

Can I get an Oh Gyad!!
Yes I heard an oh Gyad!
now can I get a �what the mother%^$ !�
Yep got that too!

That was basically what I was constantly saying throughout the day.
To be in love�.you have either share something significant and/ or traumatic about your life and feel gratified and touched that the person understands OR (and this happens to most) you just happen to fuck!
And that euphoric feeling which is mostly just hormonal gets mistaken for love.
(here I heave a humongous sigh)
Poor deluded fools.

But Ryan is still a damn nasty man!! And that heifer is leading him to hell with all kisses and smiles.
stupid fucks!

Essentially, the entire day was just an angry blur!!!.
I ranted to Sheena on the phone, I ranted to Gareth on the drive home and J and I bashed Ryan and his wifey (barfing now!!) to a bloody unrecognizable pulp when I got home.

Lord help me. I think I�m going crazy!!

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