Monday 9th February, 2009 -

So I just had a brief but intense quarrel with my mom a little while ago.
It was about privacy. My fucking privacy, infact.
What the hell does she NOT understand about staying out of my things.
I left some stuff home when I drove to my apartment last night and I asked my dad if he could bring it up for me.
Of course, he has no notion of keeping his yap shut and he told her. She promptly dug through the bags of clothes I left. When I called at home to ask my dad what time he was coming, she began to chew me out about my clothes preferences and compare me to my cousin and say why couldn�t I dress more like her. I wanted to scream so naturally I just hung up, to avoid a brain haemorrhage.
Of course, she had to call back and of course, I answered.
I grit my teeth to force myself not to argue back and calmly told her, when I wanted her opinion I would ask for it and to please refrain form rifling through my things.
Then I hung up.

I highly doubt she got the message.

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