Saturday, Dec. 04, 2010 - 9:30 p.m.
So far away......

Music:~I Walk Alone~Tarja Turunen

Daniel is behaving like a perfect twat!
He was supposed to come see me tonight and all now we could've been humping like rabbits.


But some crap HAD to happen!
His card is fucking up, so he couldn't cash from the ATM.....(i dont know how that was a problem....i have cash)
And he got mad and was like, "i have a quarter tank of gas and no money so i'm not coming. i'm so mad. i really don't want to talk to anybody right now. i'm going to bed.later"

i was like WTF!!
That was really hurtful. and here i am stuck home yet AGAIN!

He called over half an hour ago to tell me he woke up and he's going to make a sandwich.....and he hasn't called back YET!
Either he's talking to his dad or he really doesn't give a fuck that i am home alone, bored and horny!

I should've switched off my fucking phone and went out! But i was WAITING like an idiot for HIM!! :(

If i complain that i don't see him much, he says i'm not understanding.
How much more understanding can i be?!!
i haven't seen him in a week and i had a terrible week and even when he had off-days, he had stuff in the house to do.


Here's the mofo calling AGAIN!
And having the audacity to ask me who i'm talking to online?
Then he says "ONLY GUYS?!!"
what the fuck ever! they're my friends and my bf is not even bothering with me!!

He's making me feel severely under-appreciated.

We barely spend any time together and when we do, he's always in a hurry to get home.
it's either work or his house...i figure prominently in NO scenario.....actually in one....the one with sex.

So it's.....see me on Sunday for 3-4 hours, have sex, eat....go home.

And that's it for out time together....he doesn't make an effort to even do anything remotely romantic.

i realize i'm complaining all the time....but it's not like i don't love's just that i wish we could spend more time together and that when we do spend together it could be special and memorable not just a shag and a meal.

I'm really unhappy right now......i fucking hate living here away from everything and everyone i love!

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