Monday, Dec. 30, 2013 - 2:04 p.m.

Why do people who don't give a flying fuck about you throughout your life suddenly decide they can give you relevant advice that you definitely should listen to?

Are they really worthy of respect because they are blood-related or somehow reproduced and ensured your existence?

I try to be polite, I try to do the right thing. I try to be grateful and respectful and all that shit.

But why do I have to make the effort? Why do I continually have to be the one to kiss ass and nod my head in agreement all for respect's sake?

Should I really be the one to start a conversation with you when you clearly love to converse and interact with strangers rather than your own family?

Should I respect someone who clearly cares more for a stranger's daily experiences than my goals, my life, and even if I exist?

I don't think so....
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