Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 - 1:17 a.m.
This thing called Death (My aunt's funeral)

Went to my aunt's funeral today. She looked so unlike herself.

Cancer really does a number on you. She looked sallow and her skin was way darker than usual.

They cremated her and boy did the rain come down today.
It was in the traditional Hindu way of putting the body on a wooden funeral pyre, doing specific death rituals and then setting it afire.

It was so morbid when the rain started to pour and we all rushed under a tent and watched the flames of her pyre fizzle and go out with her half burned in there. I was standing in an inch of water, while it gushed down from uphill to downhill and flow through the tent like a river.Even from the distance I was standing I could see that her face was burnt off.
That made me shudder.

When the rain stopped they lit the pyre again and I suppose it burnt cause I actually left with my mom. My dad stayed to take my cousins back to their house.

In the morning he's supposed to collect her ashes and throw it into the waters of the creek.

This thing called Death.

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