Sunday, May. 26, 2013 - 12:10 a.m.

I'm home tonight. Ray's out with the boys.
I had a review class today which turned out to be really productive.

Then right after class had to get dressed to go with my mom to a fundraiser dinner thing. wasn't bad but the food wasn't so great. But say what....i got dinner and desert.And my mom was really happy we spent time together and she got to show off her beautiful grown up daughter. That made me feel like less of the failure i'm feeling like these days. Made me feel happy even.

I called my bestie and it was good to hear her laugh. We can always make each other laugh like no one else in the world. I'm glad i can do that for her at this time.

I just took a shower and god there's just something about The Doors that moves me. Figuratively and literally. i was dancing to L.A Woman. Jim's voice just makes me sway my hips and loosen my shoulders and swing by arms and rock my head from side to side.

Being alone isn't so bad sometimes.
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