Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012 - 12:45 p.m.

i am not getting sucked into relationship drama. i refuse to be cast into a role of clingy, paranoid calling-all-time gf. so fuck this.

so you're working all weekend, no problem, you have a thing to go to with your sister, no problem. i'm not going to get to see you till next weekend, no problem.

But you finished worked early, promised you'd call me, never did. went to hang out with your friends, came home at 2am, got up went to work and i had to text yo for you to call me a few hours later.

i feel like shit, i feel like second, i feel like crying, i am crying.

but i've been through worse, why waste my time on shit like this.
i'm not a little girl anymore, i'm an adult, a woman who know what she wants and is capable of so much. why am i reduced to tears.

but it hurts that i don't matter.
fuck this.....i'm done
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