Tuesday, Dec. 07, 2010 - 10:11 p.m.
Passion for life!!

Daniel and i just had a conversation about marriage.
hes not scared AT ALL....and i just feel a bit unsure.
I don't know what it is.

Maybe it's the whopper (God! i've been thinking abt. BK alll day!!) of a headache
i'm having right now.

Maybe it's the thought of my chord of freedom severed.

Maybe it's following up with the civil lawsuits heterosexual couples are filing to petition for freedom to have civil partnerships instead of marriages.

Whatever it is....freedom is figuring prominently in my brain these days.
I just want to have freedom.
I'm young. i love life and i want to be able to do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING i want!

I suddenly feel a new found passion for life.
: )
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