Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010 - 11:26 p.m.

so things with Daniel's ex have been solved. thanks to moi.

i called her dad. i know i know it sounds like i am a tattle tale...but she would've never stopped if i didn't do something drastic. i called her dad and he was really shocked when i told him what she had been doing. i sent him the emails she sent Daniel and he promised to fix everything.

He tried.

Daniel's ex called me apologizing and promising to stay out of our lives, then burst out crying and sobbing hysterically on the phone, telling me why she broke up with him in the first place and giving me cryptic warnings about his personality and his family. which sorta scared me....she said he was possessive and got mad easily....which is true......which is why i got kinda scared....but i am firm and will not stand for asshole behaviour and he knows he has to learn.

Meanwhile she tried one more low blow......she showed her dad a comment a drunk Daniel had posted on her wall months ago when he was hurt and angry at what she had done. something about he can't believe she would do this especially after all the sex they had everywhere......she cried when she told me that and said she was so embarrassed and her fiancee deleted the comment and deactivated her profile......her dad wanted to kill Daniel...and then she wants to play all self-righteous and loving and woebegone and say "tell my dad to leave Daniel alone....don't hurt him!"

to tell you the truth i felt upset and sick to my stomach everytime i heard her say Daniel's name. she moves like if she still needs to protect him and take care of him. i don't think she realized that I'm here for him now and that we love each other and if anyone had to be protective and caring......it's going to be me!!

i got that across to her though......i said you can't email him or text him or contact him in anyway...it's not right and you have to move on with your own life.......Daniel and i are trying to build a life so you need to leave us alone. she got the message. i was very nice to her though and didn't behave like a bitch at all.

Thanks you Lord for helping me keep my temper and be very diplomatic about this very screwed up situation.

she saw me on campus yesterday and raised her hand in greeting but never really met my eyes. he head was bent like she couldn't look at me......i was ready to smile at her but whatever.....maybe it's for the best........
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