Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010 - 3:43 p.m.
PS: you were nothing but a LETDOWN

so Liam and i made out last week wednesday on campus
there was no-one around and we walked all around campus talking and kissing
it was nice to kiss someone....and liam kisses so sweetly (with a little tongue sometimes..hehe) but he was so sweet kissing my nose and forehead....but after monday night and last night i remember why i signed him off....the BASTARD!!!

monday night i called him cuz i was on campus and he said he was cool and goin home with his GF!! i was taken aback but regrouped quickly and was like "ok..then....hope ur cool, take care" and i hung up and walked all the way to the taxi stand in a kinda daze!! stung a i was feeling happy for a little makeout session...proud of myslf for not getting caught up in anything with Liam and now here i was unexpectedly feeling like shite!!

i have to stung a little...but not as much as i thought it would...i'm fine now.

but yesterday i called him while i was in the find out what the fuck was goin on with that gf talk..and you know the little bitch said..."wow man..u took it like a G, i thought u would cuss me out or something"....i was like "no....i'm cool..why would i do that....i really dont give a shit!"

i hung up and later that night u wouldn't believe this!! his supposed gf msged me saying:

LIAM'S "GF": I saw the messages you sent to Liam on his phone. I don't appreciate it and please don't have any contact with him again. he is in a relationship so cease and desist

but if she thought that i was a pussy and i was afraid to reply to her she had another thing coming:

ME: Well you should tell your loving bf to try to be truthful once in a while. Cause i had no clue he had a gf till last nite. i have no interest in being with another girl's man. G'nite


i was gonna say a whole lot more.....but i really dont care for any drama this year.....

so in the immortal words

FUCK THIS SHIT! I'm outta here!!
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