Saturday, April. 25, 2009 -

I got the deliverance I was looking for last night. I went to youth meeting last night and Pastor Jillian James from the deliverance service was there.
It was hell getting there in the first place but I pushed and pushed till my dad dropped me off. I knew last night was going to be an important night. I could just feel that something was going to happen. My mom told me that maybe I wasn�t meant to go because I was getting so much trouble to get a ride. Ryan�s mom had one car and his brother had the other car. He�s usually the one that picks me up to go. But I got there anyway.
You know the phrase, �better late than never�? Truer words were never spoken.
It was service to remember. I never felt such power and exuberance in one place.
David, a guy who works with Pastor Jillian held my hands and prayed for me, while the Pastor�s daughter put her arms around my waist and prayed for me also. But I wasn�t leaving till that pastor out his hands on me and prayed for me. Sure enough he came around and put his hands on my head. I felt like he had my head in a death grip and he was shouting and praying and it felt like he was banishing something from me. then he released me and let me fall. I never fell but hands lowered me gently to the ground. I sat there on the ground praying, with a feeling in my heart so unexplainable. While I was sitting there, a woman, I don�t who knelt by my side and started praying for me. She asked the Lord to free me of all troubles. To free my home of all disturbances. She prayed for me so hard and for so long. I was sitting on that ground for a while praying, then I got up and sat on a chair and continued to pray.
All of a sudden, I heard a terrible screaming and I stood up, only to see a girl lying on the floor crying. The Pastor was whispering in her ear and she was tossing and turning and moaning. Then she turned and lay on her belly and began to vomit in this bag. Ryan told me this is what happens when a demon comes out of someone. I didn�t know if to really believe this but I saw this with my very own eyes.
Pastor James does this thing where he can just whisper the very occurrences of your life in your ear. I saw this happen last night. He came upto this girl in front of me and started to whisper intensely in her ear. When this girl turned around, she had this incredulous expression on her face; like �what the hell! How did he KNOW that!�
I almost wished that Pastor Jillian would whisper in my ear and tell me something intimate and profound.
Everything about last night was amazing!
Ryan said something to me yesterday; he said that last night was my real birthday. My rebirth in Christ.
I believe this. I truly believe that he died for me. I kept thinking that this man bled for me and died a horrible death just for me. JUST FOR ME!! So maybe just maybe I can give my life to him and walk in his light.

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