Saturday 20th December, 2008 -
end of semester pool party

I went to a pool party at Finch�s dad�s new apartment complex�no-one moved in yet so it�s quite alright for us to ambush the pool and completely flood out the downstairs bathroom.
They didn�t have quite as much alcohol this time. If you ask me, the last pool party was better. The only good thing was (as always when I�m partying with this group of people) that this guy Chad, well his gf always leaves parties early because she has to drive a bit far to get home and by herself too. The good thing is��.that when she leaves I can oogle Chad how much I want. He�s really cute with these soft, sparkly doe-eyes fringed with long curled up eyelashes. He looks totally sweet.
I�ve never hit on him and I don�t plan to. He and his girl have been together for a while and I respect that.

The pool party was fun, though it wasn�t my first choice. Michael�s boss called him to work today ���.really early too��.so the very expensive and alcohol abundant lime was cancelled. Damnit!!! And we were going to go to CoCo Lounge too!!!!!!!!!
It�s a completely expensive lounge packed with white people. The music is terrible most of the times but they serve a pretty good apple martini there.
Shakers has the better bartenders though. Now their apple martinis are great! And so are their other mixed drink. There�s a saying in Shakers:

�Bartenders are like Gods�

I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically and drunkenly ��agree

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