Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010 - 1:36 p.m.
just shit

i hate today.
i have this froggy sounding voice emanating from my sore-ish throat.
Daniel says the mindblowing blowjob i gave him on sunday caused it. har-de-har Daniel.

i am trying to get all my make-ups to be scheduled for this week and next week.
Finals are drawing close and i need to be studying....but it's kinda hard to do that through all the pain.

i'm fucking frustrated and i'm just feeling to break a couple of things. but i am so passive aggressive that i can never do anything violent to make myself feel better.

i've fantasized about bitch-slapping people, pushing them in the way of on-coming vehicles, slamming their heads into windscreens, slamming doors on their fingers....just doing violent shit in general!!!

Daniel and i are discussing opening a business.....i really want a future with him. Things are so hard.
with parents, with work, with school, with every fucking thing!

FUTURE worries...: /

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