Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010 - 8:39 a.m.
Oh what a sad existence i do lead....

i just feel like a super fuck-up and a general failure as a human being. there is not one person who i can talk to right now.

i tried to talk to Daniel but everytime i called him he was busy. Sheena's not answering her phone and i really have no one else to tell this shit too!

there is no one who i can be completely honest with...except myself.
i guess this is why i started a diary. this is the only place i can really spill my entire guts.
no cover-ups, no lies, no holding back.

The full-on, nasty, gut-churning truth is spilled across these pages.

it's sad that the only person i can tell everything to, is not a person at all....but a programme located deep within the bowels of cyberspace; itself held within the confines of a piece of hardware.

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