Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2010 - 11:32 p.m.

Watching: Ugly Americans

i just polished off some grill lamb, grill fish, and some yummy yummy yummy vanilla fudge ice-cream while watching Will & Grace.

i feel so much better after the night i had.

W. an old friend of mine asked me to go out for drinks. i was hesitant since we had a thing a while back.but i was confident that i would put my foot down abt. the whole flirting thing he does and just hang out like the old buddies we were.
we had a drink and then..............his girlfriend called.....

now W's gf is a psycho bitch!! wanna hear something even crazier?!! she's a psychologist!!...what is this crazy bitch doing giving people advice for a living?!!!

anyway......we had like one drink and he was like we have to go....i was really pissed but tried to hold on to my temper.

he said the only person he lies to is that's fucked up!!

i told him to sort his shit out and he probably shouldn't call me to hang out again.

i won't be sorry to say's about time our friendship is over....he just didn't want to say he will be forced to.

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